New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by Mutiara

Construction is the largest segment of the world economy, which undergoes many changes every year.

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

Some of them are not so significant, while others are large-scale and have long-term consequences for the industry as a whole. The construction business is, to a certain extent, inert and subject to the influence of global and local processes. Developers, for their part, are making every effort to quickly adapt to modern realities and issue promising architectural solutions.

Main architecture and construction trends in 2025

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

Architecture, like fashion, changes cyclically. When building a liquid and outwardly attractive house, it is worth adhering to general trends. We identify new main trends that will take the first lines in the ranking of popular ones in the coming years. Which? Let’s find out from the article.

Let’s talk, of course, about the exterior. This is the first thing that any person – outside the professional environment – pays attention to. The number of floors, facade plastics and materials, connection with the surrounding landscape – depending on how harmonious these parameters are felt, an impression of the house is formed.

We will not say that all trends will be 100% new. Some of them began to gain momentum in the pandemic and post-pandemic period, but only now they are being actively introduced into country architecture.

So, in the coming years, and not just in 2025, we are waiting for…

Multistory buildings

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

The coronovirus pandemic coupled with the economic crisis has significantly transformed the commercial real estate market. While there is an office shortage in Cyprus, the business centers of a number of leading countries are idle. You can return them to the category of profitable ones by partial or complete reprofiling.

Light metal structures and tempered glass will be the main elements of facades for a long time, while the filling of high-rise buildings requires fundamental changes. Architects are actively working on projects that can maximize the functionality of existing and future buildings. As a result, offices will be able to quickly transform into hotels, exhibition space or residential apartments without significant costs. This will allow building owners to reduce risks and expand the range of rental offers.

Taking into account modern trends in urban development, the concept of Life-and-work balance is laid at the initial stage of designing business centers. It involves the presence in the buildings and in the surrounding area of infrastructure that allows employees to relax in comfortable conditions after a busy day. Here, places are allocated for a green zone with elements of landscape design, cafes, shops, sports grounds and other service centers.

The program for the construction of multi-storey residential complexes also provides for the placement of commercial and service infrastructure facilities on the lower floors. One of the popular design solutions is the placement of recreational spaces on the roofs of houses with playgrounds, green areas and pools, if the building design allows.

Modular homes also continue to be a promising architectural trend.

70-90% of their components are assembled at other sites, and then assembled into a single structure. For some types of buildings, the modular method is more efficient than classical construction. These include medical clinics, hotels and typical residential buildings.

Decades ago, arches were a key element of outdoor design and were often used to provide drive-through through houses to courtyards and streets. Today, architects at various heights are bringing similar solutions back into modern building projects. Visually, buildings with arches look interesting and more technologically advanced, and their functionality allows the flow of natural light to penetrate and improve wind resistance.

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles has significantly increased control over production processes in construction.

Drones are used mainly at large facilities and perform the following tasks:

  • topographic survey and geodetic reconnaissance of the site,
  • monitoring the operation of mobile equipment,
  • surveillance for the purpose of protecting the object,
  • participation in the organization of personnel safety,
  • photography of the object.

The use of drones provides an efficient use of funds and can significantly reduce the amount of waste on construction sites.

Advanced design technologies are involved in almost all areas of the construction industry. The most popular of these today is Building Information Modeling (BIM). The program enables builders to develop a concept and study the project before the start of work. A virtual tour of the building allows you to pinpoint problem areas that can disrupt the process. This approach saves time and resources both at the planning stages and during the construction process. Design technologies have come a long way from compass and paper to the regular use of modern software.

Cottages and townhouses

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

Every year more and more people, preferring a house in the open air, leave high-rise buildings in cities with a difficult environmental situation. Life surrounded by nature continues to be a living idea in different climates.

The characteristic features of individual houses of the near future are as follows:

  • concise form, straight clear lines;
  • lack of architectural excesses;
  • flat roof, with the possibility of arranging a recreation area;
  • the facade of the house, interior and furnishings are designed in the same style.

Not ceasing to be popular, including in Cyprus, the architectural trend is a picturesque and comfortable patio. Outdoor terraces surrounded by greenery, barbecues and mini-resorts with pools create excellent conditions for relaxation and give the house a constructive personality.

Panoramic windows and glass walls remain the top architecture trend 2025.

Sufficient natural light improves performance, is good for health and comfortable living. Large sliding windows and glass walls are a great way to bring more light into your home and enjoy great views. Conceptual solutions for glazing cottages: no frames, glass panels are mounted at floor level or below and then hermetically connected to each other.

Most of us like to manage and control the processes that take place in our own home. Using sensors connected to the Internet, the smart home system allows you to remotely influence the following parameters:

  • home climate,
  • lighting inside and outside,
  • security and video surveillance systems,
  • control of household appliances,
  • garden care.

Smart homes provide owners with comfortable living conditions, while remaining energy efficient and multifunctional. It is not surprising that artificial home intelligence is rapidly gaining popularity and acquiring new options.

Homeowners are showing increasing interest in sustainable building materials with a long service life.

On the one hand, this is due to attention to the health of households, on the other hand, the need to reduce global dependence on non-renewable resources. Such materials are easy to recycle and contain a minimum amount of contaminants. Biocement, various natural wood waste products and organic paints are increasingly being used on construction sites.

When developing the exterior design of a house in 2025, special attention should be paid to lighting.

In addition to its main function, lighting will make even a modest facade more attractive. The combination of sources that direct the light flux to the walls with dotted ones of other shades will decorate the building at night and focus on key architectural elements.

The upcoming 2025 promises to be a very busy year in terms of new building trends.

The rising cost of materials and the emergence of ambitious requests are forcing developers to find new architectural solutions. Sustainability, design facilitation, and the adoption of cutting-edge software are becoming sustainable themes in the context of industry development. In other words, the importance of facades gives way to the internal content of buildings.

One-story houses and the lack of a basement

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

Villas and cottages with two or three floors are no longer prestigious. People strive to simplify life as much as possible and choose a convenient layout. Spacious one-story houses are more practical. In addition, many of them are built with direct access to the terrace: there was no such possibility with a plinth or high foundation.

The logic of this trend has already been appreciated by families from several generations and homeowners with small children. Both for those and for others, the stairs in the house are inconvenient, while their absence guarantees household safety.

Also, one-story villas are valued for common living rooms, which become the center of joint leisure for all family members. There is no need to sacrifice secluded and isolated rooms. Any house is zoned according to the preferences of the residents.

Smooth forms in architecture

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

The appearance of houses from the premium segment in 2025 will continue the trend towards minimalism. But the strict geometry of architecture will now be diluted with smooth and curved lines of facade decoration. Due to the contrast of forms, the appearance of the houses will become more elegant, regardless of the area of the housing.

Also, the plasticity of lines will prevail in landscape design. Winding paths, rounded contours of the pool or pond and, for example, the composition of the patio area will be responsible for the architectural and stylistic unity in the adjacent territory.

Actual materials and colors in exterior decoration

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

This trend is influenced by minimalism and environmental friendliness. For facade cladding, durable materials with the texture of natural stone and wood will be used even more often. Also, brick and concrete will not lose their relevance. Glass will remain a spectacular element of decor. With a similar finish, country houses will retain visual appeal for many decades.

As for the color scheme, it is still built on the basic shades. Only in 2025 will calm and soft white, gray and beige, classic black begin to complement copper, earthy tones and shades of natural greenery.

Harmony with the landscape

New Trends in Architecture and Construction For 2025

The origin of this trend was influenced by the human need for unity with nature. During the pandemic years, most of us who live in apartments have lost contact with the outside world, so the surge of interest in suburban life has increased significantly.

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To make up for the missing contact with the world, developers and designers bypass conventional boundaries and let nature into the interior. For example, they focus on the entrance group and decorate it in the shades of the landscape. Or they design a house with a large number of panoramic windows. In addition, take into account the location of the site under the house. If there is a forest nearby, then more wood is used in the exterior, if there are mountains or rocks nearby, then stones.

This approach to construction turns the property into a natural element of the environment. The house harmoniously fits into the landscape.

Share which of the trends you liked the most? How long do you think they will be in the popularity rating?


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